R - In isnn.number.warning (x)

I have a problem running a kruskal wallis test with data.table package and Terr module on RStudio.


$WL_TEST_Q1: num[1:41725]
$SPLIT: chr[1:41725]
$TEST_NUM_NAME: chr[1:41725]



KwTestQ1 <- DT[!is.na(WL_TEST_Q1), .(SPLIT,WL_TEST_Q1,TEST_NUM_NAME)][,kruskal.test("WL_TEST_Q1" ~ factor("SPLIT"), na.action = "na.omit"), 
              by = .(TEST_NUM_NAME)][,c("data.name","method","parameter","statistic"):=NULL]
setnames(KwTestQ1, "p.value", "p.value Q1")


With the R 3.3.2 module and without quotes, it works fine, but not with the Terr module on RStudio. I am using Terr R_4.2.0.35.

I have this error:

1: In is.not.number.warning(x) : x is not a numeric dataset
2: In function(x, g, ...) : 1 observations (x[i], g[i]) with NA in 'x' removed.


I do not know what it means.


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