Various HMACs generated by nodejs and php
// base64-encode the binary result of the HMAC computation
$merchantSig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256',$signData,pack("H*" , $hmacKey),true));
Above is the php code that generates the digest.
let h = crypto.createHmac('sha256', hmacKey).update(keyString).digest('base64');
The above nodejs code that generates the digest. The key I am using is hex in both php and node. What should I do differently in node to get the same result as in php. I know php uses a different encoding than nodejs. But what else am I missing here?
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well there is no difference between hmac in both php and node.js.
this is normal behavior for the two pieces of code you provided.
in your php you are packing
a step that doesn't exist in your node side;
in all the following examples i will use as hmac key and data string 123456
php without packaging:
$merchantSig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256',$signData, $hmacKey,true));
echo $merchantSig; // output : gKjrFq1nrRP33vGiAK9V1Z5bLX5EFZhcfy2flRIGPEI=
node.js without packaging:
let h = crypto.createHmac('sha256', hmacKey).update(keyString).digest('base64');
console.log(h); // output : gKjrFq1nrRP33vGiAK9V1Z5bLX5EFZhcfy2flRIGPEI=
now package both:
php with packing:
$merchantSig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256',$signData,pack("H*" , $hmacKey),true));
echo $merchantSig; // output : Y8D5crzxQfFkwQn1OJHeZTS1KVuTH0y7qLuxyetE0TY=
node.js with packaginghere is the trick
var h = crypto.createHmac('sha256', hmacKey.packHex()).update(keyString).digest('base64');
// ^^^^^^^^^
console.log(h); // output : Y8D5crzxQfFkwQn1OJHeZTS1KVuTH0y7qLuxyetE0TY=
Here are some online tests for both php and nodejs in two cases (using a package without using a package)
Here are some more tests with different keys and strings. for php:
and node.js
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