Spring @Query with bottom and wildcards

This question is about Spring Data JPA.

I need (native) @Query with bottom function and wildcards. But I'm not going to work.

Here's a simplified version of what I'm looking for:

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM CAR c WHERE LOWER(c.model) LIKE LOWER(%:model%)", nativeQuery = true)
List<Car> findByModelMatching( @Param("model") String model );


LOWER (%: model%) -> not working! LOWER (: model) -> works!

I know that a query like this can be easily rewritten as:

List<Car> findByModelContainingIgnoreCase( String model );


But I'm not looking for a Named Query.

My question is how to combine LOWER (or even UPPER) with WildCards in @Query!



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1 answer

The function LOWER

takes strings, you should write LOWER('%' || :model || '%')

if you are using Oracle eg.



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