Calculate seconds between two dates / times in YYYY-MM-DDH: MM: SSZ format

Is there a quick way (in C #) to calculate the number of seconds between two strings containing a date / time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTG: MM: SSZ.

For example:

string startTime = "2017-03-27T13:58:39Z";
string endTime = "2017-03-27T14:07:26Z";

int numSecs = calculateSecondsBetween(startTime, endTime);


Yes, I could create a function that parses all of this, but I was hoping for something simpler.


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3 answers

Extract them and use the property TimeSpan


string startTime = "2017-03-27T13:58:39Z";
string endTime = "2017-03-27T14:07:26Z";

int numSecs = (int)(DateTime.Parse(endTime) - DateTime.Parse(startTime)).TotalSeconds;




Subtract the time and get TotalSeconds


string startTime = "2017-03-27T13:58:39Z";
string endTime = "2017-03-27T14:07:26Z";
DateTime startTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime);  
DateTime endTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime);  
var diffInSeconds = (endTimeDt - startTimeDt).TotalSeconds;


Hope it helps!



fubo and mindOfAi got there much faster than me, but if you paste your code after something convenient and quick, you can create an extension method to make it cleaner:

public static class DateTimeExtensions
    public static int NumberOfSecondsUntil(this string start, string end)
        return (int)(DateTime.Parse(end) - DateTime.Parse(start)).TotalSeconds;


It can then be called like this:

int numSecs = startTime.NumberOfSecondsUntil(endTime);





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