Ng2-pdf-viewer Access-Control-Allow-Origin

I am using ng2-pdf-viewer library for Angular and I am trying to display a PDF from the main url. the problem is I am getting the following error:

XMLHttpRequest cannot download . There is no "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header in the requested resource. Origin ' http: // localhost: 54800 ' is therefore not allowed access.

Here is my code:


{ Name: "Angular2 tuto", Description: "An amazing Angular2 pdf !", Url: {url: "", withCredentials: true} }



<pdf-viewer [src]="document.Url" [page]="1" [original-size]="false" style="display: block;"></pdf-viewer>


I tried with and without the "withCredentials" property - nothing changed ..

How can I show any pdf from a link in angular2? (worked in a basic iframe though ...)


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