ASP.NET ID - Unable to register UserTokenProvider

I am having a problem generating a password token reset in an ASP.NET Core 1.0 project:


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddIdentity<UserDB, GroupDB>()


then in my controller with DI:

UserManager<UserDB> userManager

string token = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user);


and i get

There is no IUserTokenProvider named Default.

How to fix it?

I see that UserStore

there are no providers inside my constructor :

enter image description here


source to share

1 answer

I noticed that the class UserStore

did not implement the interface implementation IUserTokenProvider

. Also, in the constructor of the class, ApplicationUserManager

I check if theTokenProviderDescriptor

public class ApplicationUserManager : UserManager<UserDB>
    public ApplicationUserManager(UserStore store, IOptions<IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor, IPasswordHasher<UserDB> passwordHasher, IEnumerable<IUserValidator<UserDB>> userValidators, IEnumerable<IPasswordValidator<UserDB>> passwordValidators, ILookupNormalizer keyNormalizer, IdentityErrorDescriber errors, IServiceProvider services, ILogger<UserManager<UserDB>> logger, IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor) 
        : base(store, optionsAccessor, passwordHasher, userValidators, passwordValidators, keyNormalizer, errors, services, logger, contextAccessor)
        if (!optionsAccessor.Value.Tokens.ProviderMap.ContainsKey("DefaultTokenProvider"))
            optionsAccessor.Value.Tokens.ProviderMap.Add("DefaultTokenProvider", new TokenProviderDescriptor(typeof(UserStore)));


This fixed the problem. Thanks for the help!



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