Sorting an array in order of the value of another array in php

Is there a better way to sort the $ datas array in the order of the $ tabdocids values?

foreach ( $tabdocids as $ordered_id ) {
            foreach ( $datas as $doc )
                if ($doc->docid == $ordered_id)
                    $ordered [] = $doc;



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3 answers

One way for rome ...

#for collect
$ordered = array_flip($tabdocids);//too keep the order from the $tabdocids
array_map(function ($doc) use ($tabdocids,&$ordered){ 
      if(in_array($doc->docid,$tabdocids)){ $ordered [$doc->docid] = $doc; } 


[updated after comment from @Kris Roofe] it will now be sorted.

or without sorting

$datas = array_filter($datas,function ($doc) use ($tabdocids){ 
      return (bool)in_array($doc->docid,$tabdocids);




Try this, it uses single loop over $ datas using map for tabdocids

     $ordered = [];
     foreach ( $datas as $doc ) {




First, you can calculate the order sequence. Then use the $ datas reordering order, it will reduce the number of computations.

$order = array_flip(array_values(array_unique(array_intersect($tabdocids, array_column((array)$datas, 'docid')))));
usort(&$datas, function($a, $b) use($order){
    return isset($order[$a->docid]) ? isset($order[$b->docid]) ? $order[$a->docid] <=> $order[$b->docid] : -1 : (isset($order[$b->docid]) ? 1 : -1);




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