Unexpected results with HashSet.Contains and custom IEqualityComparer

I must have some kind of misunderstanding regarding the use of a custom matcher with HashSet

. I am collecting many different types of data which I store as Json. To work with it I use Json.NET, in particular JObject

, JArray

and Jtoken


Typically I add some metadata embedded in this stuff at collection time, and it is prefixed with "tbp_". I need to know if a specific bit of data, represented as JObject

before (or not) has been collected . For this I have a custom IEqualityComparer

one that extends the implementation provided by Json.NET. It removes the metadata before checking for value equality with the provided implementation:

public class EntryComparer : JTokenEqualityComparer
    private static string _excludedPrefix = "tbp_";

    public JObject CloneForComparison(JObject obj)
        var clone = obj.DeepClone() as JObject;
        var propertiesToRemove = clone
            .Where(p => p.Name.StartsWith(_excludedPrefix));

        foreach (var property in propertiesToRemove)

        return clone;

    public bool Equals(JObject obj1, JObject obj2)
        return base.Equals(CloneForComparison(obj1), CloneForComparison(obj2));

    public int GetHashCode(JObject obj)
        return base.GetHashCode(CloneForComparison(obj));


I am using a HashSet to keep track of the data that I am working on, since I just need to know if it exists or not. I am initializing the HashSet with an instance EntryComparer

. My tests:

public class EntryComparerTests
    EntryComparer comparer;
    JObject j1;
    JObject j2;

    public EntryComparerTests()
        comparer = new EntryComparer();
        j1 = JObject.Parse(@"
          'tbp_entry_date': '2017-03-25T21:25:53.127993-04:00',
          'from_date': '1/6/2017',
          'to_date': '2/7/2017',
          'use': '324320',
          'reading': 'act',
          'kvars': '0.00',
          'demand': '699.10',
          'bill_amt': '$28,750.75'
        j2 = JObject.Parse(@"
          'tbp_entry_date': '2017-03-10T18:59:00.537745-05:00',
          'from_date': '1/6/2017',
          'to_date': '2/7/2017',
          'use': '324320',
          'reading': 'act',
          'kvars': '0.00',
          'demand': '699.10',
          'bill_amt': '$28,750.75'

    public void Test_Equality_Comparer_GetHashCode()
        Assert.Equal(comparer.GetHashCode(j1), comparer.GetHashCode(j2));
        Assert.Equal(true, comparer.Equals(j1, j2));

    public void Test_Equality_Comparer_Hashset_Contains()
        var hs = new HashSet<JObject>(comparer);

        Assert.Equal(true, hs.Contains(j2));



passes but Test_Equality_Comparer_Hashset_Contains()

fails. j1

and j2

should be treated as equal and matches the results of the first test, so what am I missing here?


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1 answer

Change the class signature:

public class EntryComparer : JTokenEqualityComparer, IEqualityComparer<JObject>


otherwise are used GetHashCode()

and Equals()

are used in the base class (which has a different "signature" ... The base class implements IEqualityComparer<JToken>

, so your methods are not "t called HashSet<>


Then a small error appears for removing properties:

var propertiesToRemove = clone
    .Where(p => p.Name.StartsWith(_excludedPrefix))


Better would be to "hide" JTokenEqualityComparer

and make it a private field, for example:

public class EntryComparer : IEqualityComparer<JObject>
    private static readonly JTokenEqualityComparer _comparer = new JTokenEqualityComparer();
    private static readonly string _excludedPrefix = "tbp_";

    public static JObject CloneForComparison(JObject obj)
        var clone = obj.DeepClone() as JObject;
        var propertiesToRemove = clone
            .Where(p => p.Name.StartsWith(_excludedPrefix))

        foreach (var property in propertiesToRemove)

        return clone;

    public bool Equals(JObject obj1, JObject obj2)
        return _comparer.Equals(CloneForComparison(obj1), CloneForComparison(obj2));

    public int GetHashCode(JObject obj)
        return _comparer.GetHashCode(CloneForComparison(obj));




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