How to solve a dependency with ndk-build in Android?
I've Googled for a solution, but none of them solved my problem.
I downloaded Tess-two and tried to execute ndk-build with downloaded ndk15r from but nothing happens, same problem:
Error: (687) Android NDK: pngt module depends on undefined modules: z
Error: (700) *** Android NDK: Cancel (set APP_ALLOW_MISSING_DEPS = true to> resolve missing dependencies). Stop. Error: Execution completed for task ': tess-two: ndkClean'.Process command '/ Users / archives / Library / Android / sdk / ndk-bundle / ndk-build' finished with non-zero exit value 2
I also tried to ignore this error when from terminal I went to the tess-two directory and I typed "ndk-build" and I imported the project directly. But my Android Studio console logged the same error.
How can I save my life ???
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You can also add APP_ALLOW_MISSING_DEPS := true
to without changing ndk.
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