Angular2 reactive forms choose how to set invalid?

I am using reactive forms in my application. In a specific form, I want to display the required (Validators.required), for example:

<select class="form-control"

  <option *ngIf="!dformControl.value"
    Choose ...

   <option *ngFor="let opt of dformControl.options"
          [selected]="dformControl.value == opt.value">



The problem is whether I am using value="undefined"

or value=""

that the format control is still set as valid as it got the value. Don't show attribute value

in value="Choose ..."


I use select with reactive forms of false way, or how I can make the parameter "Choose ..." is not a valid ??


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2 answers

What I am doing is add an empty parameter and when this is selected, since there is no value, it is invalid.

<select class="form-control"

   <option *ngFor="let opt of dformControl.options"
          [selected]="dformControl.value == opt.value">




Initializing the select control null

will do the trick. Try below,

  model_property = null

  'control_key'  :    [this.model_property, Validators.required]


Check out Plunker !! , view the file app/reactive/hero-form-reactive.component.ts


I have updated Plunker to include below and it seems to work,

    <select id="power" class="form-control"
        formControlName="power" required >

        // see the value is set to empty,
        <option value="">Choose...</option>

        <option *ngFor="let p of powers" [value]="p">{{p}}</option>


enter image description here

Hope this helps!



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