Facebook test app register on facebook page created by test user

My goal is to test the new bot on facebook.

I got caught in a loophole trying to test my bot ... help break; loop :-) Ok, I prepared:

  • Facebook testing app

  • In the test application, I generated test user A and test user B.

  • With test user A, I created a facebook page.

  • Test user B can see test user A's page and can report page => so well.

now here's the tricky part:

  1. I'm trying to register my test app for a test custom page , and it doesn't work - I don't get an error, but I just can't see it in the "apps" page. So the question is: can the test application register to the page generated by the test user?

  2. Without registering the Test user A page, I can't see if the interaction between Test user B and the page is causing the bot to run.

Another option that I have tried is

  1. When I try to register based on my own "real" account from one of my "real" pages in the app - everything works well (registration wise) BUT! test user B's account cannot submit a "real page" to test it (based on facebook documentation), so again I can't test my system.

What am I missing?


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