Adding recursively for installation

I'm trying to wrap my head around recursive functions with this function def friends(self, name, degree):

. The purpose of this is to bring back a set of all friends to a certain extent (for an address book). This is the last part of a larger class called class SocialAddressBook:

. The "degree" in this class allows the user to "query" the friends of friends: the first degree is a direct friend, degree 2 is each other, and so on. The code I have is

def friends(self, name, degree):
    fs = set()
    if degree == 0:
        return set()
    if degree == 1:


as far as I know about it. also another context:

Transitive Friendship:

Fred β†’ Barb β†’ Jane β†’ Emma β†’ Lisa
Fred β†’ Sue
              Jane β†’ Mary


and so my tests are: a.friends('Fred', 1) == {'Barb', 'Sue'}

a.friends('Fred', 2) == {'Barb', 'Jane', 'Sue'}

a.friends('Fred', 3) == {'Mary', 'Barb', 'Jane', 'Sue', 'Emma'}

a.friends('Fred', 4) == {'Barb', 'Emma', 'Mary', 'Lisa', 'Sue', 'Jane'}

it only goes up to degree 4. SO if I even do it recursively or just by hand, so how do I know the degree to which this is happening? ...

If someone can point me in the right direction on how to end this recursively, that would be awesome, thanks!


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2 answers

I would say to do it iteratively: just add friends to the current list n , where n is an input parameter.

fs = set(self)
for i in range (n):
    wider = set()
    for chum in fs.copy():
        for new_chum in chum.friend_list:
            fs += new_chum


At each level, create a wider set of friends from the current set. After you go through all of this, add them to your friend set. Repeat N times.



The best way to do this is iterative.

def get_friends_iteratively(self, name, degree)
    if degree < 0:
        raise ValueError('degree should be an int >= 0')
    if degree == 0:
        return set() # no friends of degree 0!
    friends = self.friends
    for _ in range(degree):
        new_friends = set()
        # it is important not to change a set while we iterate through it.
        # thus, we change new_friends, then update friends when we are done.
        for other_person in self.friends:
            new_friends |= other_person.friends
        friends |= new_friends
    return friends

    # In python, the |= ('in-place or') operator updates a set with
    # the union of itself and another set.




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