Yesod Database Migration Cycle

I am running Yesod and accessing the MySQL database.

My model:

    ident Text
    password Text Maybe
    UniqueUser ident
    deriving Typeable
    email Text
    userId UserId Maybe
    verkey Text Maybe
    UniqueEmail email
Comment json -- Adding "json" causes ToJSON and FromJSON instances to be derived.
    message Text
    userId UserId Maybe
    deriving Eq
    deriving Show

 -- By default this file is used in Model.hs (which is imported by Foundation.hs)


When I launch the Yesod app it repeats the following:

Starting devel application
Migrating: ALTER TABLE `user` ALTER COLUMN `password` DROP DEFAULT
28/Mar/2017:23:46:44 +0200 [Debug#SQL] ALTER TABLE `user` ALTER COLUMN `password` DROP DEFAULT; []
devel.hs: ConnectionError {errFunction = "query", errNumber = 1101, errMessage = "BLOB/TEXT column 'password' can't have a default value"}
Unexpected: child process exited with ExitFailure 1
Trying again
Starting devel application
Migrating: ALTER TABLE `user` ALTER COLUMN `password` DROP DEFAULT
28/Mar/2017:23:46:46 +0200 [Debug#SQL] ALTER TABLE `user` ALTER COLUMN `password` DROP DEFAULT; []
devel.hs: ConnectionError {errFunction = "query", errNumber = 1101, errMessage = "BLOB/TEXT column 'password' can't have a default value"}
Unexpected: child process exited with ExitFailure 1
Trying again


It goes in an endless loop.

The workaround is commenting out the following line from Application.hs

, which means disabling database migration:

runLoggingT (runSqlPool (runMigration migrateAll) pool) logFunc


But if I use the workaround, I get another error:

28/Mar/2017:23:56:28 +0200 [Error#yesod-core] Foundation.hs:(137,5)-(144,45): Non-exhaustive patterns in function isAuthorized
 @(yesod-core-1.4.32-6HthMZNCl0sEMRz6GJ4QO1:Yesod.Core.Class.Yesod ./Yesod/Core/Class/Yesod.hs:693:5)
28/Mar/2017:23:56:28 +0200 [Debug#SQL] SELECT `ident`,`password` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? ; [PersistInt64 1]
GET /test
  Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
  Status: 500 Internal Server Error 0.006514s



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2 answers

Adding default=NULL

to each column Text Maybe

fixes this problem. In some MySQL versions, you also need to change the column type by adding sqltype=varchar(255)

. In your case, the model should look like this:

    ident Text
    password Text Maybe sqltype=varchar(255) default=NULL
    UniqueUser ident
    deriving Typeable
    email Text
    userId UserId Maybe
    verkey Text Maybe sqltype=varchar(255) default=NULL
    UniqueEmail email
Comment json -- Adding "json" causes ToJSON and FromJSON instances to be derived.
    message Text
    userId UserId Maybe
    deriving Eq
    deriving Show

 -- By default this file is used in Model.hs (which is imported by Foundation.hs)




This error seems to be related to migrations and defaults.

You can try this workaround to change MySQL behavior. In the defaults, or maybe try changing the column type from text

to varchar




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