Bootstrapping for lmer with interaction time

I am running a mixed model using lme4

in R:

full_mod3=lmer(logcptplus1 ~ logdepth*logcobb + (1|fyear) + (1 |flocation),
data=cpt, REML=TRUE)



Formula: logcptplus1 ~ logdepth * logcobb + (1 | fyear) + (1 | flocation)
   Data: cpt

REML criterion at convergence: 577.5

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.7797 -0.5431  0.0248  0.6562  2.1733 

 Random effects:
 Groups    Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 fyear     (Intercept) 0.2254   0.4748  
 flocation (Intercept) 0.1557   0.3946  
 Residual              0.9663   0.9830  
Number of obs: 193, groups:  fyear, 16; flocation, 16

Fixed effects:
                  Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)        4.3949     1.2319   3.568
logdepth           0.2681     0.4293   0.625
logcobb           -0.7189     0.5955  -1.207
logdepth:logcobb   0.3791     0.2071   1.831


I used a package and a function effects

in R to compute 95% confidence intervals for model inference. I computed and extracted the 95% CI and standard error using the package effects

so that I can examine the relationship between the severity predictor variable and the response variable by keeping the secondary predictor variable ( logdepth

) constant at the median (2.5) in the dataset:

gm=4.3949 + 0.2681*depth_median + -0.7189*logcobb_range + 0.3791*



Grand Mean model output with 95% CI

I tried to load 95% CI using the code here . However, I need to calculate the 95% CI for only the average depth (2.5). Is there a way to specify in the code confint()

so that I can calculate the CI needed to render the loaded results like in the above graph?




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1 answer

You can do this by specifying a custom function:



FUN: boot function; if "NULL" an internal function will be used that returns the fixed effect parameters as well as the random effect parameters in the standard deviation / correlation scale. See "BootMer" for details.

So there FUN

could be a prediction function ( ?predict.merMod

) that takes an argument newdata

that changes and fixes the appropriate predictor variables.

An example with inline data (not as interesting as yours since there is one continuous predictor variable, but I think this should illustrate the approach well):

fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
pframe <- data.frame(Days=seq(0,20,by=0.5))
## predicted values at population level (re.form=NA)
pfun <- function(fit) {
cc <- confint(fm1,method="boot",FUN=pfun)





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