Is there a bug in Series.hasNot?

The reference for the function Series.hasNot

in Deedle


Returns true when the series does not contains value for the specified key

The function doesn't seem to work this way in the following example:

let election =
             [ "Party A", 304
               "Party B", 25 
               "Party C", 570
               "Party Y", 2
               "Party Z", 258 ]
             |> series
let bhnt =
    |> Series.hasNot "Party A"
printfn "%A" <| bhnt
// true
// val bhnt : bool = true
// val it : unit = ()


Did I miss something?


source to share

1 answer

I just looked at the Deedle source and saw the following:

let has key (series:Series<'K, 'T>) = series.TryGet(key).HasValue
let hasNot key (series:Series<'K, 'T>) = series.TryGet(key).HasValue


Yes, you found a bug. The function hasNot

should look like not (series.TryGet(key).HasValue)


Workaround: Until this bug is fixed, you can work around it by replacing all occurrences Series.hasNot key

in your code with Series.has key

and then routing through the function not

. For example.

let bhnt =
    |> Series.has "Party A"
    |> not


Or, if you think it looks better, you can also write it like:

let bhnt =
    |> (not << Series.has "Party A")


These two ways of writing are equivalent; which one you prefer to use will depend on how comfortable you are with functional programming. Some people find the syntax <<

more natural to read, while others find it completely odd and just want to stick with it |>

. It all depends on how experienced you are with functional programming; choose which of these two feels most natural to you.



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