Poll for a result n times (with delays between attempts) before failing

We need to write a Node.js function that will poll a specific API endpoint for the result of a previously requested computation. The result is an arbitrary time that can be generated and may not be generated at all. We would like to get it as soon as possible, but also I don't want to wait too long, which means that after a few API calls, we would like the function to fail (reject the promise).

There is one way to communicate between our code and the API.

const Bluebird = require('bluebird');

function getResult() {
  return new Bluebird(async function (resolve, reject) {

    let counter = 0;

    while (counter < 10) {
      await Bluebird.delay(1000);

      const res = await apiCall();
      if (res.data) {
      } else {
        counter += 1;



Is this the correct approach?


source to share

1 answer

Not. This is the async / await version of the Promise

antipattern constructor
! It doesn't even stop the loop when called, resolve

or rejects when an exception is thrown (like when res

equal null

You must use

async function getResult() {
  for (let counter = 0; counter < 10; counter += 1) {
    await Bluebird.delay(1000);
    const res = await apiCall();
    if (res.data) {
      return res.data;
  throw new Error('timeout');


If you want Bluebird's promise to be returned and not native, wrap it in, Bluebird.method

or tell your transpiler to use Bluebird.



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