C ++ array pointer

I came across a C ++ program like this

using namespace std;

int main() {
    int N = 10;
    int M = 2;
    int a[] = { 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7,10,9 };
    int(*b)[5] = (int(*)[5]) a;
    for (int i = 0; i<M; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j<N / M; j++) {
            cout << b[i][j] << endl;

    return 0;


The above program output 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7,10,9

. Looks like the b

point of the array. So what does it mean (int(*)[5]) a

? Can someone help me explain this?


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5 answers


- is int-array with 10 elements: int [10]

. b

- a pointer to an int-array with 5 elements: int (*) [5]

. b

initialized a

and clearly exposed using C-style: (int(*)[5]) a


Effectively a

a 1x10 matrix, but b

a 2x5 matrix, it is actually a "change" a

in b

with the same content. The "most dangerous" thing here is that the change does not perform a deep copy; Changes to b

also affect a

and vice versa;

The type, here int

, does not matter at all. Here is an online example with several different types.



Here a[]

is an array of 10 integers. b

- pointer to an array of 5 elements.

int(*b)[5] = (int(*)[5]) a;


In the above description, the address of the array is a[]

assigned to a pointer type to an array of 5 elements. Then it b

opens as a two-dimensional array.




int a[] = { 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7,10,9 };


It looks like this in memory

a -> | 2 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 7 | 10| 9 |;
      +0  +1 ...  


When you refer to elements in an array, you usually use [], but because it a

is an address. you can access items also use pointer style offset

a + 2   // address to third int, *(a+2) the actual value `3`


Now, by declaring another way to access 10 integers, you can access memory a

in a different way, the type determines the way to access memory

int(*b)[5] = (int(*)[5]) a; // compiler, pretend a is of same type


In the above statement, b

and a

refer to the same memory, but b

has a pointer to type int of five.

since it b

is a pointer:


indicates the beginning a

. doing b++

, b now points to the middle of the array a

, as b's declaration says it only contains five integers


b[0] points to address a + 0
b[0][0] is the value of a + 0 or a[0] alt. *(a + 0)

b[1] points to address a + 5 
b[1][0] is the value of a + 5 or a[5] alt. *(a + 5)


Since C usually doesn't check if you are outside the scope of the above works.



Since it b

is a pointer to an array of 5 integers, so:

  • b[0]

    will point to an array of 5 integers stored from the location it points to b

  • b[1]

    will point to an array of 5 integers stored from the location it points to b + (5*sizeof(int))


Since the b

address is assigned a

using typecasting int(*b)[5] = (int(*)[5]) a;

, so:

  • b[0]

    will point to the first 5 integers of the a

    ie array ,a[0..4]

  • b[1]

    will point to the next 5 integers of the a

    ie array ,a[5..9]


  • b[0][0]

    will give the value of the 1st element indexed into the0

    array pointed to by b[0]

    ie, a[0]

  • b[0][1]

    will give the value of the 2nd element indexed into the1

    array pointed to by b[0]

    ie, a[1]



  • b[1][0]

    will give the value of the 1st element indexed into the0

    array pointed to by b[1]

    ie, a[5]

  • b[1][1]

    will give the value of the second element indexed into the1

    array pointed to by b[1]

    ie, a[6]



Int-array a is explicitly initialized to contain 10 elements. The internal representation of the variable a is a pointer to the first element. Writing [3] means "give me the content of a at offset 3".

Then the variable b is created as an array of pointers (length 5) to int (this is not a "point", but a "pointer", btw). b is initialized to the contents of a, but since a is of a different type, it must be cast to the correct type (that is, b type). The cast type basically means "to pretend the memory of the variable a is of a different type". This is done with a c-style cast

(int(*)[5]) a


In general, I would not replicate this coding style.

Also, the following code only works if the pointer to int is twice the size of an int, for example. 64-bit pointer, 32-bit int. Dirty, dirty code.



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