Replace multiple spaces with non-breaking spaces

How do I replace all but the first (white) spaces with  

when there is more than one space?

Specifically requested for use with php preg_replace

, so PCRE.

"This is     my text."


Needs to be converted to

"This is     my text."



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3 answers

It seems that all you need is to replace every space that is preceded by another space character. Use a lookbehind approach:



See regex demo .


is a positive lookbehind that requires a space just before the current location, but the space is not consumed and therefore not replaced.

Below is a PHP demo :

$s = "This is     my text.";
echo preg_replace('~(?<=\s)\s~', '&nbsp;', $s);
// => This is &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;my text.




More than one space >=2

PHP demo


echo preg_replace("!\s{2,}!", " &nbsp;", "Welcome to stack  overflow");



Welcome to stack &nbsp;overflow




What you need to do is use it Regex Lookahead & Lookbehind

like this:


echo preg_replace("/\s(?=\s+)|(?<=\s)\s/", "&nbsp;", "Welcome to stack       overflow");



Welcome to stack&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;overflow


Test it out here: - gives good explanations :)



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