Xcode 8.3 error

I updated my XCode

to 8.3 (newest version) and not every time I open it it resets after 30 seconds.

I clicked Convert to Current Swift Syntax

but I don't know if that caused the cause of the problem.

Do you have random crashes too? Any idea how to fix this?

Crash log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7a9f4bc1a74b53c0160d0f28773582c9



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2 answers

It works with me by completely uninstalling and reinstalling from the App Store. Use AppCleaner

or other cleaning applications.enter image description here



Overwrite Java Home Directory to make this problem in my case.

I am trying to uninstall by uninstalling xcode, but it doesn't work. I uninstall using AppCleaner, then install and everything is fine.



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