/ tmp / tomcat-docbase is always built with Spring Boot JAR (but not WAR)

From STS I am creating a standard Spring Boot 1.5.2 'Web' project. If you run this application, you will create two created directories - the normal "base" directory and the "tomcat-docbase" directory

. . .  4096 Mar 29 10:00 tomcat.2743776473678691880.8080
. . .  4096 Mar 29 10:00 tomcat-docbase.76291847886629412.8080


If I change this project to a WAR project, I only get the "base" directory

. . .   4096 Mar 29 10:06 tomcat.3131223012454570991.8080


Easily override the default base directory using



however, this does not affect tomcat-docbase. It is possible to override tomcat-docbase programmatically, but seems like a hack.

Does anyone think this is a bug?



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2 answers

Solution: create a folder name as public in your project, in the same folder with your JAR.

Reason: There is no config for docbase folder from springboot code. but you can create a shared root folder in your project folder name as public, static or src / main / webapp, then Springboot will never create the tomcat-docbase temp folder for you again.

private static final String[] COMMON_DOC_ROOTS = { "src/main/webapp", "public", "static" }
public final File getValidDirectory() {
    File file = this.directory;
    file = (file != null ? file : getWarFileDocumentRoot());
    file = (file != null ? file : getExplodedWarFileDocumentRoot());
    file = (file != null ? file : getCommonDocumentRoot());
    if (file == null && this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    else if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        this.logger.debug("Document root: " + file);
    return file;
private File getCommonDocumentRoot() {
    for (String commonDocRoot : COMMON_DOC_ROOTS) {
        File root = new File(commonDocRoot);
        if (root.exists() && root.isDirectory()) {
            return root.getAbsoluteFile();
    return null;


Ref: DocumentRoot.java



I found a programmatic way to install docbase folder with spring and embedded tomcat server. You must override the implementation TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory

as shown below:

public @Bean EmbeddedServletContainerFactory embeddedServletContainerFactory() {
    TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory = new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory("/app", 8080) {
        protected void configureContext(Context context, ServletContextInitializer[] initializers) {
            super.configureContext(context, initializers);
    return factory;




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