Checkbox "Order" and its label

I am working in Oracle CPQ tool and I am trying to create a checkbox as an attribute.

In the UI, I get this:

enter image description here

When looking at the browser source (which is generated by the CPQ tool), I see the following HTML code:

<div class="form-item clearfix null" id="attr_wrapper_1_chkmembershipFeePayment_t" style="display: table;">
<label class="form-label" for="chkmembershipFeePayment_t" style="width: 100px">
    <span style="padding-right: 5px;display: table-cell;">Membership Fee</span>
<div class="form-element field-wrapper" id="field_wrapper_1_chkmembershipFeePayment_t" style="padding-left:100px">
    <div class="boolean-wrapper field" message="" style="display: table-cell;">
        <div class="boolean-wrapper-inner"><input value="false" class=" form-input  cm-attr-value " name="chkmembershipFeePayment_t" onclick="if (this.checked) { this.value='true'; } else { this.value='false'; }" data-is-boolean="true" type="checkbox">
        <input value="true" name="_boolean_present_chkmembershipFeePayment_t" type="hidden">
    <div id="msg_1_chkmembershipFeePayment_t" class="error-hover" data-action-message="" message=""></div>


My question is, how can I check the box and the label by checking the box in front of the Membership Free label using CSS or JavaScript, given that I cannot directly edit the HTML using the CPQ tool attribute.

So is there any way to do this?

After Sagar V javascript updated

enter image description here


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1 answer


  • get a label element
  • remove it from its original position.
  • add it after typing

elm = document.querySelector('label[for=chkmembershipFeePayment_t]');

target = document.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]");


target.parentNode.insertBefore(elm, target.nextSibling);

<label class="form-label" for="chkmembershipFeePayment_t" style="width: 100px">
<span style="padding-right: 5px">Membership Fee</span>
<div class="form-element field-wrapper" id="field_wrapper_1_chkmembershipFeePayment_t" style="padding-left:100px">
  <div class="boolean-wrapper field" message="">
    <div class="boolean-wrapper-inner">
      <input value="false" class=" form-input  cm-attr-value " name="chkmembershipFeePayment_t" onclick="if (this.checked) { this.value='true'; } else { this.value='false'; }" data-is-boolean="true" type="checkbox">
    <input value="true" name="_boolean_present_chkmembershipFeePayment_t" type="hidden">
  <div id="msg_1_chkmembershipFeePayment_t" class="error-hover" data-action-message="" message=""></div>

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