Why does this array rebuilding routine work outside of a function but not inside a function?

I am trying to convert a list to a numpy array with a specified number of columns. I can get the code to work outside of the function like this:

import numpy as np

ls = np.linspace(1,100,100) # Data Sample
ls = np.array(ls) # list --> array

# resize | outside function

>> [[   1.    2.]
    [   3.    4.]
    [  97.   98.]
    [  99.  100.]]


I don't understand my mistake when trying to cast a subroutine in a function. My attempt is this:

# resize | inside function
def shapeshift(mylist, num_col):
    num_col = int(num_col)
    return mylist.resize(mylist.shape[0]//num_col,num_col)

ls = shapeshift(ls,2)

>> None


I want to define the original function this way, because I want another function, consisting of the same inputs and a third input, to iterate over the rows while fetching values, call that original function for each row-by-row loop.


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2 answers

In [402]: ls = np.linspace(1,100,10)
In [403]: ls
Out[403]: array([   1.,   12.,   23.,   34.,   45.,   56.,   67.,   78.,   89.,  100.])
In [404]: ls.shape
Out[404]: (10,)


No need to wrap again array

; he is already alone:

In [405]: np.array(ls)
Out[405]: array([   1.,   12.,   23.,   34.,   45.,   56.,   67.,   78.,   89.,  100.])



works in place. It returns nothing (or None)

In [406]: ls.resize(ls.shape[0]//2,2)
In [407]: ls
array([[   1.,   12.],
       [  23.,   34.],
       [  45.,   56.],
       [  67.,   78.],
       [  89.,  100.]])
In [408]: ls.shape
Out[408]: (5, 2)


With this, resize

you are not changing the number of items, so it reshape

will work just as well.

In [409]: ls = np.linspace(1,100,10)
In [410]: ls.reshape(-1,2)
array([[   1.,   12.],
       [  23.,   34.],
       [  45.,   56.],
       [  67.,   78.],
       [  89.,  100.]])



in the form of a method or function, returns the value, leaving it ls

unchanged. -1

- comfortable short hand, avoiding separation //


This is the inplace replacement version:

In [415]: ls.shape=(-1,2)



requires the same total number of items. resize

allows you to change the cardinality, truncate or repeat values ​​as needed. We use reshape

much more often than resize

. repeat

and are tile

also more common than resize




The method .resize

works in place and returns None

. It also refuses to work at all if there are other names referring to the same array. You can use the form of a function that creates a new array and is not moody:

def shapeshift(mylist, num_col):
    num_col = int(num_col)
    return np.resize(mylist, (mylist.size//num_col,num_col))




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