How do I show the App Assistant in login items in macOS?

I created a helper app that will launch the main macOS login app. For this I am following this tutorial . Everything works fine, but unfortunately the helper app is not showing up in the login items.

How can I get the helper app in custom login items like iTunesHelper and Dropbox?

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1 answer

Apple documentation has this information:

Adding Login Items

There are two ways to add a login element: using the Service Management framework and using a common file list

Login items installed using the Service Management Framework are not displayed in System Preferences and can only be uninstalled by the application that installed them.

Login items installed using the shared file list are displayed in the Preferences system; users have direct control over them. If you use this API, your login element can be disabled by the user, so any other application that binds to it should have reasonable fallback behavior in case the login element is blocked.

There is a tutorial by Richard Hute here , it is based on a generic list of files . The tutorial is 2012 (five years ago) so I don't know if it fits. Moreover, for Objective-C.



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