Can't delete base VM for node in Kubernet

I am running three node clusters on GCE. I want to merge one node and delete the base VM.

The documentation for the kubectl command drain


Once it returns (without giving an error), you can power down the node (or equivalently, if on a cloud platform, delete the virtual machine backing the node)

I am running the following commands:

  • Get nodes

    $ kl get nodes
    NAME                                      STATUS    AGE
    gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-6q21   Ready     43m
    gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p   Ready     6m
    gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-xr4z   Ready     23h

  • Merge node rx9p


    $ kl drain gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p --force
    node "gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p" cordoned
    WARNING: Deleting pods not managed by ReplicationController, ReplicaSet, Job, DaemonSet or StatefulSet: fluentd-cloud-logging-gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p, kube-proxy-gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p
    node "gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p" drained

  • Remove gcloud VM.

     $ gcloud compute instances delete gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p

  • List of virtual machines.

     $ gcloud compute instances list

    As a result, I see that I have deleted the virtual machine above - rx9p

    . If I do kubectl get nodes

    I can see rx9p node too.

What's happening? Is something restarting the VM I'm deleting? Do I have to wait for some timeout between teams?


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1 answer

You are on the right track by first pulling down node.

Nodes (compute instances) are part of a group of managed instances . If you delete them with just a command gcloud compute instances delete

, the Managed Instances Group will recreate them.

To properly remove this command (after removing it):

gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete-instances \
  gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-grp \
  --instances=gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p \




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