How to truncate or overlay a string to a fixed length in C #

Is there a one-liner way to set a string to a fixed length (in C #), either by truncating it or filling in spaces.

For example:

string s1 = "abcdef";
string s2 = "abc";


after setting as length 5, we should have:

"abc  "



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5 answers

All you need is this PadRight

, followed by Substring

(assuming source

not null


string source = ...
int length = 5;

string result = source.PadRight(length).Substring(0, length);


The case source

may be null


string result = source == null 
  ? new string(' ', length) 
  : source.PadRight(length).Substring(0, length);




private string fixedLength(string input, int length){
    if(input.Length > length)
        return input.Substring(0,length);
        return input.PadRight(length, ' ');




Have you tried s1.PadLeft (5);

you can also specify a fill character if you want something more than spaces

s1.PadLeft(6, '.');


Would give you: "abcdef."

do both:

var s1 = "1234567890";
var s2 = s1.SubString(5).PadLeft(5);




There are two options, one built-in and one custom.

You can use String.Format function like:

String.Format("{0:-5", str);


where str

is the string you want to format. {0}

represents this string, but :-5

indicates left-justification in a :-5

5-character string. To align it correctly, you just use :5


A custom one-liner str.Length > 5? str.Substring(0,5): str.PadRight(5);

will be str.Length > 5? str.Substring(0,5): str.PadRight(5);

str.Length > 5? str.Substring(0,5): str.PadRight(5);

, I believe it is more efficient than the other answers. If the string str

can be null

, you can use

str = str?.PadRight(5- str.Length) ?? new string(' ', 5);




You can use string.PadLeft

either string.PadRight



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