Process system not responding to Android device emulator

I am new to android devlopement I have set up android studio configuring every thing Android SDK, JDK, system variables .. everything works fine until I create my android android device, firstly it takes so long to start, secondly, after it shows hello world, the error message appears: "The process system is not responding x Close the application, o Wait", I tried to create many other low-res low-res devices, I even changed the config file, but none of them didn't work for me. I always get the same error. Help please i have been stuck on this for two days .. THANKS here is the error


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3 answers

Try enabling virtualization from your system BIOS. Also increase the amount of RAM.



Follow these steps to get rid of the application not responding to the close / wait error:

Android Studio -> Help -> Edit VmOptions

As stated above, this is the solution for my "Processor System Not Responding". I used Nexus S API 23, 4.0 480x800 hdpi Graphics in program mode 2GB RAM VM heap: 48m Internal storage 600m No processing error appears. I get that Google Play is not working, but the background screen is updated. Leaving him for almost 30 minutes, he walked over. i was able to run my application.



Follow these steps to get rid of the application not responding to the close / wait error:

Android Studio -> Help -> Edit VmOptions

-Xmx4096m # <------ increase this to most of your RAM


I struggled for 3-4 days and was finally able to resolve this error. The Android emulator is also fast, loading always the first time, but subsequent changes to the app are faster!



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