How do I create a pub package that works with Flutter?

pub is the Dart package manager. Flutter is a mobile app SDK that uses Dart. How can I create a package that depends on, or target, Flutter?


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2 answers

To declare a dependency on Flutter, from the pub package add this to yours pubspec.yaml


    sdk: flutter


You should use flutter packages get

instead pub get

because Flutter has to set the appropriate environment variables for sdk: flutter

location mapping .

Use the stagehand tool to quickly and easily create a new pub pack . After installing stagehand follow these instructions:

$ mkdir fancy_project
$ cd fancy_project
$ stagehand package-simple


After creating a new package, edit pubspec.yaml

and add sdk:flutter

as shown above.



The trick I also use is to simply flutter create foo

(which creates a complete Flutter app, more than you need) and then rm -rf foo/ios foo/android

edit / delete foo/lib/main.dart

, etc.

The stagehand solution by @sethladd is more elegant, but requires a stagehand setup.



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