Chrome Remote Debug - "Pending Authentication"

I connect my HTC10 to my Windows 7 PC and initially Chrome gives me this message. If I manually start the adb server with adb start-server

, it connects to the device, but as soon as I try to validate the page on the device, I disconnect without any error and return to "Authentication Pending"

I tried reinstalling whatever was there, restarting devices, revoking USB authorization, disabling and re-enabling USB debugging ... I have no idea what else to try. There is no "Accept Debugs" prompt on my device.

Has anyone solved this before? Many thanks

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1 answer

I cannot solve this permanently, but I am actually working on it.

If I click the "USB Debugging Connected" notification to go to developer settings, cancel previous authorizations and turn off and then USB debug, I can reactivate the authorization popup. Annoyingly.



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