Updating the Interval set in real life

This is based on the answer here:

I am having trouble setting setInterval.

The following works are currently in operation. I have a prop called mediaList

that contains an array of image objects. When called changeActiveMedia

, the position of the object is moved to the next one in the list.

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { activeMediaIndex: 0 };

  componentDidMount() {
    setInterval(this.changeActiveMedia.bind(this), 5000);

  changeActiveMedia() {
    const mediaListLength = this.props.mediaList.length;
    let nextMediaIndex = this.state.activeMediaIndex + 1;

    if(nextMediaIndex >= mediaListLength) {
      nextMediaIndex = 0;

    this.setState({ activeMediaIndex:nextMediaIndex });

    const singlePhoto = this.props.mediaList[this.state.activeMediaIndex];
          <img src={singlePhoto.url} />



This is where my problem comes in.

I have a logic that can change the number of items in the list mediaList


This becomes a problem because since the interval is only updated every 5000 seconds if nextMediaIndex

at that time is 2 and then I suddenly update the mediaList to only have 1 item, I ran into an error because mediaList [2] does not exist.

So my question is, is there a way to RESET and CLEAR the setInterval whenever it is updated this.props.mediaList



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1 answer


returns an identifier that identifies the timer Interval

. You can use it in conjunction with clearInterval

to undo the spacing.

this.interval = setInterval(...);


you can use it componentWillReceiveProps

as a general check method to see if it has changed mediaList

. eg:

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    if (nextProps.mediaList !== this.props.mediaList) {




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