RVM is not a function, choosing rubies using "rvm use ..." will not work from jenkinsfile

I am trying to use ruby ​​version via RVM in my Jenkinsfile like:

sh 'rvm use ruby 2.3.1'


However, I believe that the above command does not do what it is intended to do because I get this message after it

+ rvm use ruby 2.3.1
 RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work.


I have read other answers suggesting to add #!/bin/bash -xl

, however I am using this from Jenkinsfile

, not a bash script.

Is there a way to resolve this? I just want to install ruby ​​to 2.3.1 and then run one command.

I also tried using create default

but still the printable ruby ​​version is 2.0.0

  sh '''
    #!/bin/bash -xl
    echo $PATH
    rvm install ruby-2.3.1
    rvm alias create default 2.3.1 && ruby --version
    ruby --version



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1 answer

Place #!/bin/bash -l

as the first line of your script. It creates a login shell.



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