When trying to download a visual studio project on Mac

I am running visual studio on mac and when trying to load a project built on Windows VS, I get the following error:

Error while trying to load project '/Volumes/Storage/LocalStorage/Projects/WebDev/engage-api/Engage.DataAccess/Engage.DataAccess.csproj': Object reference not set to object instance

Error screenshot in visual studio

The most similar problem I could find on SO ( here ) has a Windows specific solution. Basically, it says it clears the VS cache. I would like to do the same for my problem, but I cannot find the VS cache on my Mac machine.


Where are VS cache files stored on Mac so can I delete them? OR any other solutions to this error?

What I've done

Not much ... not that I haven't tried but haven't found any solutions to try. I looked through ~/Library

and the content files of the Visual Studio app for any obvious cache files, but couldn't find what was convenient for me to delete.


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