Building a Unity cloud with the Allplay plugin

I imported my project to Bitbucket and tried to install Unity cloud build for it. Everything looks fine, the cloud tries to compile the project for the iOS target , but without success.

Here is part of the log:

37284: [Unity] Ignoring 'Assets/UnityCloud/Scripts/Editor/UnityEditor.CloudBuild.dll' because we're compiling for iOSSupport 37285: [Unity] Plugin '' is used from several locations: 37286: [Unity] Assets/Plugins/Everyplay/AndroidDynamicLibraries/armeabi-v7a/ would be copied to / 37287: [Unity] Assets/Plugins/Everyplay/AndroidDynamicLibraries/x86/ would be copied to / 37288: [Unity] Please fix plugin settings and try again. 37289: [Unity] UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object) 37290: [Unity] UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])

Lines 37285 and 37288 are red and the project cannot be compiled. The files are tagged for android only in the project, but as I understand it the cloud is trying to include tham and compile.


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1 answer

I had the same problem and it turned out to be caused by the .meta file not syncing correctly with the version in our repository. The local file looked great, but the file in the repository (one UCB download) did not contain the correct plugin importer settings, which resulted in you getting the same error.

  • Make sure Import Options are set to Android for both files only.
  • Click on repository (make sure files are modified)
  • Build

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