Broken -Bmac.CFBundleVersion parameter in javapackager

On macOS, the command line parameter -Bmac.CFBundleVersion=<value>

specified in the Oracle utility documentationjavapackager

does not work.

I am using the following command to create a disk image

from Application.jar


javapackager \
  -deploy \
  -native image \
  -srcfiles Application.jar \
  -outdir dist \
  -outfile Application \
  -appclass Application \
  -BappVersion=2.0 \
  -Bmac.CFBundleVersion=2.0.0 \


A pop-up window opened from the About App item in the menu bar displays the following line:


Version 2.0 (100)




Version 2.0 (2.0.0)


When I check the generated file

, I see that I javapackager

read the command line parameter correctly -BappVersion=2.0

to set the key value CFBundleShortVersionString

, but could not read the command line parameter -Bmac.CFBundleVersion=2.0.0

to set the key value CFBundleVersion





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1 answer

I was using an old version (Update 25) of Java SE Development Kit 8. I downloaded and installed the latest version (Update 121) from Oracle website (jdk-8u121-macosx-x64.dmg) and it solved the problem. Thanks @Nicolas Filotto.



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