OnClick react-table component for column

I am using the "response-table" component https://react-table.js.org

I want to add a click event for one column (I will open a modal info display based on this event later).


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2 answers

You add getTrProps to the ReactTable like in the example:

const onRowClick = (state, rowInfo, column, instance) => {
    return {
        onClick: e => {
            console.log('A Td Element was clicked!')
            console.log('it produced this event:', e)
            console.log('It was in this column:', column)
            console.log('It was in this row:', rowInfo)
            console.log('It was in this table instance:', instance)

<ReactTable data={[]} columns={[]} getTrProps={onRowClick} />




At the time of this writing, React-Table 6.8.0:

The "column" value in the getTrProps property is always undefined.

You need to use the getTdProps property instead.



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