X cost amount grouped by Y

declare @table table (Customer  char(1), Transaction char(3), Discount float);
insert into @table values 
('A', '001', '10.1'),
('A', '001', '10.1'),
('A', '002', '20.2'),
('B', '003', '30.3'),
('B', '004', '40.4')


I am trying to do something like this:

SELECT Customer, (SELECT SUM(Discount) WHERE Transaction IS DISTINCT)
FROM @table
GROUP BY Customer


And the result should look like this:

Customer    Total Discount
A                   30.3       
B                   70.7


So basically I want a club with discounts for each customer per transaction because they are sometimes repeated in my data.


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4 answers

You can use a subquery to get only all single rows;

SELECT Customer, SUM(Discount) as Total_Discount FROM 
 SELECT DISTINCT Customer, Transaction, Discount FROM @table
) x
group by Customer


In response to your question; in case there are cases of the same customer, the same transaction, but with a different discount, you will have to decide whether to treat it as a different transaction at all or get only the highest discount or the lowest discount.

To get the maximum discount

SELECT Customer, SUM(Discount) as Total_Discount FROM 
 SELECT Customer, Transaction, MAX(Discount) as Discount FROM @table
 GROUP BY Customer, Transaction
) x
group by Customer


To get the lowest discount

SELECT Customer, SUM(Discount) as Total_Discount FROM 
 SELECT Customer, Transaction, MIN(Discount) as Discount FROM @table
 GROUP BY Customer, Transaction
) x
group by Customer


If you are going to treat it as a completely different transaction (that is, it will also be added to the total); no further code changes required.



First take the DISTINCT value from your temp table based on 3 columns. Then the discount value SUM based on GROUP BY Customer

  SELECT A.Customer, SUM(A.Discount) as Total_Discount 
     SELECT DISTINCT Customer, Transaction, Discount FROM @table
   ) A
  GROUP BY A.Customer




Using line number

SELECT Customer
    ,sum(Discount) as Total_Discount 
    SELECT Customer
        ,row_number() OVER (
            PARTITION BY Customer
            ,[Transaction] ORDER BY Discount
            ) AS rn
    FROM @table
    ) t
WHERE rn = 1
GROUP BY Customer




Get individual records from throuth Inline Query table and name "Inline" and then select "Customer" and "Discount Amount" from "Inline" Like

SELECT Inline.Customer,
SUM(Inline.[Discount]) FROM
(SELECT DISTINCT Customer,[Discount] FROM @table)   Inline
  GROUP BY Inline.Customer




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