How to execute Vim replace command without effect of current search pattern?

I want to go to lines containing a specific pattern and determine whether to apply the: s command.

But after using the: s command, the '/' register was replaced with a pattern in the: s command, and it was not very convenient to jump with the original pattern.

So, does he have a convenient way to accomplish this task?


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3 answers

You can achieve this with a vim-script. Something along these lines should help:

function! s:CustomSearch()
    let oldsearch = @/
    let @/=oldsearch




Vim (version 8+) provides a command :keeppatterns

that prevents your command from changing the search case. Example:

:keeppatterns %s/foo/bar/g


For details see :h :keeppatterns




The Vim ( :help histdel

) manual provides another way to remove the last search pattern:

call histdel("search",-1)
let @/ = histget("search",-1)




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