Random files on AWS S3 d_uf

This is my first time working with AWS S3 using the AWS Mobile HUD.

Somehow my S3 bucket is full (literally 1000 files) which I cannot access (due to policy) with random d_uf names, ....

Any idea what this might be?

I am using AWS to store thumbnail images in my social media application written in Swift.

I create a folder and file for each user / AWSID / profilePicture / ... jpg

Random files appear in the root directory of my bucket.

enter image description here


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1 answer

Please refer to the following documentation for s3 access registration https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/ServerLogs.html . Logging is now enabled for this bucket, which you can disable using the following steps.

  • Log into the AWS Console
  • select S3 service
  • choose your bucket
  • select tab properties

  • click the registration window
  • Disable

Step 5 Step 6



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