Force function called only with certain types

I was looking at security when using char * for bool in C ++ 11 and it has been suggested that if you do

template<typename T>
void foo(T) = delete;

void foo(int f) {}


Something that foo

will only work with an explicit argument given int

. I made a test case:

template<typename T>
void foo(T) = delete;

void foo(int f) {}

int main()


I used coliru to compile the code from g++ -std=c++14 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out

( live example ) and I got the following errors:

main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:9:12: error: use of deleted function 'void foo(T) [with T = double]'
main.cpp:2:6: note: declared here
 void foo(T) = delete;
main.cpp:10:17: error: use of deleted function 'void foo(T) [with T = short int]'
main.cpp:2:6: note: declared here
 void foo(T) = delete;
main.cpp:11:19: error: use of deleted function 'void foo(T) [with T = float]'
main.cpp:2:6: note: declared here
 void foo(T) = delete;
main.cpp:12:16: error: use of deleted function 'void foo(T) [with T = long int]'
main.cpp:2:6: note: declared here
 void foo(T) = delete;


compiling with clang also produced similar errors

Now that I was reading about = delete

on cppreference it stated

If the function is overloaded, the overload resolution occurs first, and the program is only ill-formed if the removed function is selected.

So if cppreference is correct and my program is poorly formed, does that mean it won't compile or undefined or undefined behavior?


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1 answer

Your program is poorly formed. First, for each call, foo

we perform overload resolution. This will cause:

foo(1);            // foo(int )
foo(3.0);          // foo<T>, T=double
foo(short(5));     // foo<T>, T=short
foo(float(7.0));   // foo<T>, T=float
foo(long(9));      // foo<T>, T=long


Four of these functions are explicitly deleted

and from [dcl.fct.def.delete]:

A program that refers to a remote function implicitly or explicitly other than a declaration is ill-formed.

This is not undefined or unspecified behavior. It should just not compile.



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