How do I get high resolution graphics in Jupyter notebook using R core?

Using SVG in Jupyter Notebook with R core manipulates text. See here and here . A workaround is to use PNG. It's a bit vague. In Python, you can ask the PNG renderer to use more dpi with

 InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'


See trick 15 here for example .

How can I get higher resolution graphics using R core? SVG workaround? PNG rendering settings?

Edit: I am using ggplot in R.

Edit 2: I found repr.plot

defaults here , including res, which looks like dots per inch (dpi). However, when I go up res

from 120 to 300, the graph gets bigger, even though I set the height and width.

Edit 3: I've filed this issue . There are suggestions to fix it in the code, but not workarounds.


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