Django Rest Framework Camel Case - testing without using a parser

I have a simple REST API in Django using rest_framework. I added the djangorestframework-camel-case plugin and updated the REST_FRAMEWORK config and the REST API outputs the correct camelCase. However, when I test with unittest ( python test app.test

), the results show up in snake_case instead of camelCase and cause my assertions to fail.

Using this fork:

    'DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS': ('rest_framework.filters.DjangoFilterBackend', 'rest_framework.filters.OrderingFilter'),
    'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': ('djangorestframework_camel_case.render.CamelCaseJSONRenderer',),
    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': ('djangorestframework_camel_case.parser.CamelCaseJSONParser',),
    'TEST_REQUEST_RENDERER_CLASSES': ('djangorestframework_camel_case.render.CamelCaseJSONRenderer',),
    'TEST_REQUEST_PARSER_CLASSES': ('djangorestframework_camel_case.parser.CamelCaseJSONParser',),


Do I need to add additional configuration? Is this a bug in djangorestframework? In djangorestframework-camel-case?


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1 answer

The problem might be in your test file.

Let's say you have some of the lines in your tests:

client = APIClient() response = client.get('some_url', format='json')

The response object will have a parameter data

which will be snake_case, and content

which will be camelCase. # will contain snake_case keys json.loads(response.content) # will contain camelCase keys

Make sure you execute your assertions against the correct answer parameter.



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