Configuring Xcode 8.1 for Deployment Devices

How to set up an app for iphone and ipad using xcode 8.1?

When I go to Landing Pages -> General -> Deployment Information -> Devices and select Universal, I get the below tab again as iphone and ipad. Does this mean that one assembly will not create an app compatible for ipad and iphone?

If I select the deployment device as iphone only, the app downloaded to the ipad is not full screen and has a black border. How can I create an app that will be full screen on both ipad and iphone?


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1 answer

For the app to work on both iPhone and iPad, you need to follow these steps.

* Before creating a project, select the universal section of the device. *

  • In the app: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: set a condition to check the device. If the device is iPad, boot the iPad screen and, if the device is iPhone, boot the iPhone screen. Make sure you follow the MVC pattern so that the data in both screens is easily populated. In the app: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: set a condition to check the device. If the device is iPad, boot the iPad screen and, if the device is iPhone, boot the iPhone screen. Make sure you follow the MVC pattern so that it is easy to fill in data in both screens.


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