How to implement VoIP sip client on Android studio
I am working on a project that needs to implement a VoIP client for Android that uses SIP. My goal is an application that allows users to register with the server and only make calls with other registered users. Its first time to use Android Studio and also to work with Java. I have come to the conclusion that there are SIP libraries that I can use as PJSIP, I have some questions about
1- I read that I have to build a PJSIP library by following the steps of the following link I am working on a windows based laptop, I have never created source code before, so I just decided to create a PJSIP for Android, should I do it with a Linux VM? is there any other way to get the already created pjsip library to work? or any other lighter library?
2 How do I find out the functions that are in the PJSIP library and the files I will need to import if these links help? What is PJSUA2?
3-I also checked the Csipsimple application, its code is very hard to understand, are there any simpler open source applications that I can test?
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1- Yes, you should create a PJSIP from the link you provided and follow the process carefully. This is the best way because of the official documentation. You must build the PJSIP library on your Linux machine for it to work correctly. If you need an already built Android library, you can follow this link . Please note that this is PJSUA2 which is best practice for Android apps.
2- PJSUA2 is a high level API and is a kind of translation from C ++ to Object Oriented Java. It should make it easier for you to implement the library and use it in Android, because of the same programming language and good packaging in the library.
3- There are not many open source PJSIP based VoIP clients that are easy to understand. If you are new to the business, I highly recommend that you first create the sample application that is provided by the official PJSIP website . Then you look at the PJSUA2 documentation to figure out where to start, like registering a sip account, fetching and making a new call, etc.