Angular 2 routerlink with multiple routes?

I want to remove a class on only one ONE route (or add a class on all BUT only one route.) How is this possible? I've tried [routerLink] with multiple parameters to no avail:

 <div class='body-content' [routerLink]="['/fetch-data', '/counter']" [routerLinkActive]="['col-sm-9']"  > 


Or is there such a thing as [routerLinkNOTActive] or something similar:

<div class='body-content' [routerLink]="['/home']" [routerLinkNotActive]="['col-sm-9']"> 


then it will add the class "col-sm-9" on all routes that are not "/ home". Seems very simple but can't find anything to do it.


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2 answers

I don't know if there is a built-in directive to do what you want, but you can always add some logic to your component.

In your template ,

<div class='body-content' [routerLink]="['/fetch-data', '/counter']" [class]="bodyContentClass()"> 


And in your component ,

bodyContentClass() {
  // router  is an instance of Router, injected in the constructor
  return this.router.isActive('/url-to-make-body-active') || this.router.isActive('/other-url-to-make-body-active') ? 'col-sm-9' : '';


You can have fun and test any combination of the routes you want.



Here's my final solution, which just used the [class] attribute. BTW, what happened to the [ng-class] attribute in Angular2 ?:


<div class='body-content' [class]="bodyContentClass()" > 



import {Location} from '@angular/common';
constructor(private authService: AuthService,private location: Location) { }
    // router  is an instance of Router, injected in the constructor
   var viewLocation = location.pathname; 
   return viewLocation == '/counter' || viewLocation == '/fetch-data' ? 'col-sm-9' : '';




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