How to export each table in csv to kdb + database?
2 answers
There may be several ways to approach this, one solution could be:
q)t1:([]a:1 2 3;b:1 2 3)
q)t2:([]a:1 2 3;b:1 2 3;c:1 2 3)
q){save `$(string x),".csv"} each tables[]
If you want to specify the directory of the saved file, you can leverage the function like this:
q){[dir;tSym] save ` sv dir,(`$ raze string tSym,`.csv)}[`:C:/Users/dhughes1/Documents;] each tables[]
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An alternative method save
is to use it 0:
in prepare , specifying the "," separator:
q)tab:([]a:1 2 3;b:`a`b`c)
q)show t:","0:tab
And again save the text:
q)`:tab 0: t
The advantage of this method is that the delimiter can be specified before saving to disk.
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