Explicitly choose which template overload should be

Can I choose which template overload function should be used in this case?

struct X { };

struct A { A(X){} };
struct B { B(X){} };

template<class T>
void fun(T, A) { }

template<class T>
void fun(T, B) { }

int main() {
    /* explicitly choose overload */ fun(1, X());



error: call of overloaded 'fun(int, X)' is ambiguous
     /* explicitly choose overload */ fun(1, X());
    candidate: void fun(T, A) [with T = int]
 void fun(T, A) { }
    candidate: void fun(T, B) [with T = int]
 void fun(T, B) { }


For a normal function, it looks like this:

void fun(A){}
void fun(B){}

int main() {


Is it possible?


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3 answers

If you don't want to explicitly specify the first parameter type, but want to specify the second, you can go along with a lambda designed for the casting purpose (C ++ 14 solution):

struct X { };

struct A { A(X){} };
struct B { B(X){} };

template<class T>
void fun(T, A) { }

template<class T>
void fun(T, B) { }

int main() {
    [](auto v, auto x){ static_cast<void(*)(decltype(v), A)>(fun)(v, x); }(1, X());


[live demo]



Improving your example, you can try

 ((void(*)(int, A))(fun))(1, X());




A low-tech solution to this problem is to add one extra layer of indirection. Add a type function funA

whose sole purpose is to explicitly name the first version fun


struct X { };

struct A { A(X){} };
struct B { B(X){} };

template<class T>
void fun(T, A) { }

template<class T>
void fun(T, B) { }

template <class T>
void funA(T t, A a) { fun(t, a); }

int main() {
    /* explicitly choose overload */ funA(1, X());


However, I wonder why you can't just change the argument to A(X())

. You still have to change the calling code, so what's the problem?



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