How to Work with Returning Dapper Key Value Pair with Dynamic from LINQ

I am new to Dapper. Let me explain what I am trying to achieve. I have a simple query that returns columns from DB, I don't want to create an Entity (Property) class to populate data. I want to use Dynamic Type for this. Below is my code:

public dynamic GetABC(int year)

        using (var db = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(ClsConnectionString.connectionString))

            string query = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM ranking where YEAR(eventdate)='{0}') ORDER BY eventdate DESC, eventid ASC",year);
            //return db.Query<RankingEntity>(query, commandType: System.Data.CommandType.Text).AsList();
            var a = (IEnumerable<dynamic>)db.Query(query, null, null, true, null, CommandType.Text).ToList();
            return a;


It returns me a couple of key values. as shown below: Dapper row

Is there a way, I just write one generic method to get the List as "Property" = "Value" As we usually get when we use any Entity Class.

I'm not sure if this is achievable, but I want to know if it is possible and what needs to be implemented in our application.

I can achieve this by implementing a loop through dapperrows, which I don't want. because if there are 10,000 lines, the loop will repeat 10,000 times.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

As I said, it DapperRow

is an inner class Dapper that can be directly typecast on IDictionary<string,object>

since it implements the interface IDictionary

. All you have to do is:

var a = db.Query(query, null, null, true, null, CommandType.Text).Select(x => x as IDictionary<string,object>);


The result will now be of a type IEnumerable<IDictionary<string,object>>

that can be used to retrieve all the information needed, since the column names are keys and the corresponding row value is the value of each item in IEnumerable


Also check, this might work too, but I'm not sure:

 var a = (IEnumerable<IDictionary<string,object>>)db.Query(query, null, null, true, null, CommandType.Text);




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