Loading event logs using the API

When uploading event logs, can they be used using the API instead of downloading via the Upload CSV button in a web browser?

Is there an API for which this is possible among the URLs below? https://developer.yahoo.com/flurry/docs/api/code/analyticsapi/

Also, if you plan on adding it in the future, please let me know when it's complete.

I appreciate your help.


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2 answers

There is no API to get event logs (raw data) as far as I know.


Loading CSV event logs can be done something like with some extra touch. This implementation is for the previous version.

After updating the flash on 07/27/2012,

  • Login GET /auth/v1/session

    with credentials
  • Get ' flurry-auth-token ' fromGET /auth/v1/authorize

  • Call GET ../eventLogCsv

    with < flurry-auth-token "to download the CSV

I am a Flurry user. And I hope that they will soon support this feature via the API.



Starting from the moment of writing, Flurry now provides an API Raw Data Download

, so you can periodically retrieve raw event data (but with some limitations - window times must be less than 1 month, data preparation takes some time, etc.)

Simplified workflow:

1. Setting

First of all, you have to generate a software token (here https://developer.yahoo.com/flurry/docs/api/code/apptoken/ , the process is simple, except that you need to create another user with a different role to use this token)

2. Executing the request

Specify startTime/endTime

for the desired time window within the request (within other parameters):

curl -X POST   https://rawdata.flurry.com/pulse/v1/rawData
   -H 'accept: application/vnd.api+json'
   -H 'authorization: Bearer ~~YOUR TOKEN~~'
   -H 'cache-control: no-cache'
   -H 'content-type: application/vnd.api+json'
   -d '{"data": {
         "type": "rawData",
         "attributes": {
         "startTime": "1511164800000",
     "endTime": "1511251199000",
     "outputFormat": "JSON",
           "apiKey": "AAAA1111BBBB2222CCCC"


If your request was successful ( requestStatus

equals Acknowledged

inside the response body), store the value id

from the response.

3. Checking the data preparation status

Depending on the complexity of your application and the requested time window, data preparation takes about 30 minutes to several hours to get ready.

You can check the status using:

curl -g https://rawdata.flurry.com/pulse/v1/rawData/26?fields[rawData]=requestStatus,s3URI
   -H ‘accept: application/vnd.api+json;’
   -H ‘authorization: Bearer ~~YOUR TOKEN~~’
   -H ‘cache-control: no-cache
   -H ‘content-type: application/vnd.api+json;’


Once your data is ready, the response will look like this:



Save s3URI

for next step.

4. Getting results

You can now extract the archived raw data with s3URI


curl -O https://flurry-rdd.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/26.JSON.gz?AWSAccessKeyId=AAAA1111BBBB2222CCCC&Expires=1513039053&Signature=xbKNnTgpv1odAfVgPRLMyck8UnE%3D


Source: https://developer.yahoo.com/flurry/docs/analytics/rdd/



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