Why does the graph become empty after dragging it

When I drag (expand) several times then the graphs are blank. I named this code.

I want the graph to work like the High Cahrt Line Graph . In a tall chart, when we drag 4-5 times, then we stop the zoom chart and don't get an empty chart.

I want to stop this. I do not want empty. I didn't figure out how to stop it. Before you drag the graph like this: enter image description here

After dragging multiple graphs, the following are as follows: enter image description here

My code:

 var server1 = ['server1','server1','server1','server1','server1','server1','server1'];
 var trace1 = {
 x: ['2013-10-04 22:23:00', '2016-10-06 22:23:00',  '2013-11-04 22:23:00', '2013-11-07 22:23:00','2013-12-04 22:23:00', '2013-12-08 22:23:00'],
 y: [1, 3, 6,9, 4, 5],
  fill: 'tozeroy',
  fillcolor: 'red',
  text: server1,
  hoverinfo: "x+y+text",
  name:"Server 1",
  type: 'scatter',
 var layout = {
  margin: {
    l: 20,
    r: 40,
    b: 40,
    t: 10
  legend: {
  "orientation": "h"
var data = [trace1];
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data,layout);

var plotDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv');


Please help me. I am new to plotly.js. Thank you in advance.


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1 answer

The used resistance is used as a filter for a more detailed view (increase) of the data. Each time you drag, it filters the data view into fewer data points. After a few drags, you were filtering yourself out less time than the data could account for, so there is no data on the chart. Try double-clicking the chart to see (zoom out) the original data.

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="//plot.ly/static/plotlyjs/build/plotlyjs-bundle.63b9876b722c.js"></script>
<div id="myDiv"></div>

 var trace1 = {
 x: ['2013-10-04 22:23:00', '2016-10-06 22:23:00',  '2013-11-04 22:23:00', '2013-11-07 22:23:00','2013-12-04 22:23:00', '2013-12-08 22:23:00'],
 y: [1, 3, 6,9, 4, 5],
  fill: 'tozeroy',
  fillcolor: 'red',
  text: 'server1',
  hoverinfo: "x+y+text",
  name:"Server 1",
  type: 'scatter',
 var layout = {
  margin: {
    l: 20,
    r: 40,
    b: 40,
    t: 10
  legend: {
  "orientation": "h"
var data = [trace1];
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);


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