Sequelize.js: How to query an N: M relationship

I have the following relationship in sequel:

Location.Offers = Location.belongsToMany(JobOffer, {
  foreignKey: 'locationId',
  through: 'JobOffer_Location',
  as: 'offers',

JobOffer.Locations = JobOffer.belongsToMany(Location, {
  foreignKey: 'jobOfferId',
  through: 'JobOffer_Location',
  as: 'locations',


I cannot request a job offer based on its location, though:

const locations = [1, 2]
  include: [{
    model: Location,
    as: 'locations',
    where: {
      locationId: {
        $in: locations


Error: Only HasMany associations support include.separate

I've tried almost every solution I could find on the internet, but nothing seems to work. Ideas?


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1 answer

Somehow I managed it:

order: [
  ["createdAt", "DESC"],
limit: limit,
offset: parsePage( || 1, limit),
include: [{
  model: Location,
    as: 'locations',
    separate: false,
    attributes: [],
    duplicating: false,
where: {
  '$$': {
    $in: args.locations

Don't know what's going on if someone knows that I would like to understand it :)



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