Kubernetes ConfigMap: import as many values ​​from file as one?

Creating a new ConfigMap from a file:
kubernetes create configmap foo --from-file=foo

This is what ConfigMap looks like inside: kubernetes get configmaps foo -o yaml

apiVersion: v1
  foo: |


Then I use this ConfigMap to create a set of environment variables in the container:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    name: app
  name: app
    - name: app-server
      image: app:latest
        - containerPort: 3000
      - configMapRef:
          name: foo
      command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "printenv"]


When the container command runs, I see the following output for printenv




So the command echo $foo

in the return of the pod is:
VAR1=value1 VAR2=value2

According to the documentation for ConfigMap, --from-file

this is the expected behavior.

What will be a creative way (and proper place), to somehow get the value of this file for module as separate variables the env VAR1

, VAR2

, VAR3



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1 answer

This is not possible in the current version (1.6.x) of Kubernetes. As written in the official documentation for kubectl create configmap


- from-file: The key file can be specified using its file path, in which case the base filename will be used as the configuration key, or optionally with the key and file path, in which case this key will be used. Specifying a directory will iterate over every named file in the directory whose base name is a valid config key.

If you want to create a configmap that is used like this as the input for the container configuration envFrom

, you can create it with a parameter --from-literal

like this:

kubectl create configmap foo --from-literal=var1=value1 --from-literal=var2=value2


To save the file, you can convert your file to something, which then runs this command like this:

eval "kubectl create configmap foo $(cat foo.txt | sed -e 's/^/--from-literal=/' | tr "\n" ' ')"


Along with that, it might be worth your time checking out outstanding proposals like the --flatten

proposal on Github .

Also watch out for variable names. iirc VAR1

and VAR2

are not valid property names - they must be in lower case, which can cause some problems when passing them.



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